Tag: SafePath Children’s Advocacy Center

Part of the SafePath team from L-R and back to front: Sonya Allen, Lindsay Raynor, Lauren McAuley, Lindsey Howertown, Cobb Police Captain Darin Hull, Cobb Police Lt. Kenneth Kromer, Claire Kirkland, Tiffany Webb, and Hannah Chambers.

Safeguarding Our Future

The power of a collaborative approach to protect children By Anjana Kallarackal Cobb County is not immune to its share of problems. Some of the most...
Pictured L-R from the top: Claire Kirkland, LCSW, Director of Intervention Services; SafePath CEO Jinger Robins; Pam Martin, Director of Finance; Tiffany Webb, Director of Services; and Gail Garland, Director of Advocacy. The girl is not a client.

The Who, What, and Why Behind SafePath Children’s Advocacy Center

Creating child-focused services to support Cobb’s most vulnerable population By Lindsay Field Penticuff It’s some of the most grueling yet rewarding work imaginable — helping children...
SafePath’s vision is a community free of child abuse. They offer clinical, forensic, intervention and medical programs to children who are victims of child abuse.

It Takes A Village

SafePath creates a safe, neutral, child friendly environment for children during allegations of child abuse. By Lindsay Field Penticuff There is strength in numbers, and when...