Thawing Out

A frozen man with his hands clasped all bundled up in a fur trappers hat, scarf, parka and knit gloves, covered in snow and frost trying to stay warm on a very cold gray Winter's day.

By Cory Sekine-Pettite

As I write this, it’s late December and we’re in the midst of the coldest temperatures we’ve had in years — just long enough for many of us to forget how cold the fall/winter seasons can be, even in the South. Temperatures in the teens and 20s (particularly for days at a time) are so few and far between that Southerners just aren’t equipped to handle them. Never mind our infrastructure; I’m talking about our mental state. We don’t “do cold.”

It’s amusing to me just how much I loathe the cold because I grew up in Germany where freezing temperatures and snowstorms are the norm. Winter is celebrated in Germany, or at least tolerated, with outdoor Christmas markets and other festivals. As a kid, I didn’t think twice about spending all day out in the snow, either skiing, sledding, or just hanging out with friends. Runny nose and wind-burned face be damned! In fact, many of my fondest childhood memories involve outdoor winter events. But when my family moved back to Georgia, it wasn’t long before I detested the cold. Perhaps it is the lack of accompanying snowflakes? Of course, in Georgia, snow brings with it an entire mess of problems I won’t get into in this article.

Hopefully, by the time you read this, our coldest days are behind us for at least the remainder of 2023. Currently, the long-range forecast predicts that we will see 60-degree weather again once this issue finds your mailbox. I, for one, will be happy call winter storm Elliot (Yes, winter storms get names, too.) a distant memory. A memory I’m sure to forget until the next time Georgia is in a deep freeze. Meanwhile, I’d love to hear about your best/worst winter weather memories. Send your stories and/or photos to me at