Leaders of Cobb: East Cobb Business Association

The ECBA Board has a plan, is excited, and ready for 2023!
The ECBA Board has a plan, is excited, and ready for 2023! Photo: Stuart Hasson Studios

THE STORY: The East Cobb Business Association (ECBA) has been a part of the East Cobb business community since 2008. Through the years, the organization has continued to evolve based on the needs of the East Cobb business community. We know that when local businesses thrive, families and the community thrive as well.

ECBA MISSION: When COVID became a part of everyone’s lives we felt it was important to better understand what our local businesses needed to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing business environment. After conducting multiple member surveys and conversations, we decided to focus on three main areas: (1) helping our members learn from each other and recognized experts, (2) increase the number of professional relationships/resources they have, and (3) provide an environment where they can receive encouragement. While they might be in their own business, they are not alone.

This focus led to our mission statement: The ECBA is Where Ambitious Professionals Grow Together. To achieve this, we drive member engagement through multiple events. Some events go deep on skill building while others drive networking and relationship building.

MEMBER BENEFITS & NETWORKING: Our monthly Business luncheon provides high-level insights from local business leaders and networking. The monthly Professional Women of East Cobb luncheon is an event where different female business owners share their journeys, challenges, and successes. Attendees leave feeling they have learned something useful while developing deeper relationships with other female business owners.

Through our Cross Coaching, Toastmasters, Lunch & Learn and Master Mind programs, participants develop stronger business skills in specific areas. The weekly East Cobb Open Networking (ECON) and monthly social events provide additional networking opportunities. Our annual ECBA Expo is designed to give local business owners the chance to showcase their offerings and meet potential new customers.

ECBA’s PASSION: The ECBA board is passionate about the success of our members. We’re all in this journey together. We know that when our members experience success, that energy spreads. If you have an established business, are thinking about starting a business, or do business with business owners, the ECBA is the place for you. For more information, please visit eastcobbba.com or email us at membership@eastcobbba.com. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events!


East Cobb Business Association • P.O. Box 70814, Marietta, GA 30007 • eastcobba.commembership@eastcobba.com