Home Leader Profiles Leaders of Cobb: Dr. Gilles A. LaMarche

Leaders of Cobb: Dr. Gilles A. LaMarche

Dr. Gilles LaMarche

THE STORY: I am a chiropractor, educator, passionate healer, author, professional speaker, and certified personal development/executive coach. I was born and raised in Timmins, Ontario, Canada. After earning my Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Toronto in 1975, I went on to earn my Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1979, and moved into private practice in Northern Ontario until 2004. Then I joined the staff at Parker College of Chiropractic (Parker University). In the fall of 2013, I moved to Georgia to join the executive team at Life University as VP of Professional Relations. In December of 2018, I was named VP of University Advancement at Life University. In addition to those duties, I lead LIFE Vision Seminars, nationally and internationally, as well as the Post Graduate Education Dept.

WHY I CHOSE TO LIVE IN COBB: I was recruited to Life University in 2013 and have loved every moment of my life in Cobb County and at Life University. Though the topography and vegetation create an inviting environment, it’s the heart of the people that make Cobb County so great. As a member of Leadership Cobb Class of 2020, this has never been more obvious. As president of the Cobb Library Foundation, I also get to interact with wonderful people focused on Cobb and the value of literacy.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT YOUR JOB? I love everything about the work that I do at Life University because the mission of the institution is parallel to my personal purpose. Life University was founded on the philosophy of Lasting Purpose — to give, to do, to love and to serve from our own abundance, with no expectation of return. This philosophy is threaded through all of our 20 educational degree programs and makes Life University an almost “magical place” to work. Focusing on service is key. I heard a mentor say: “Service is the rent you pay for taking up space on the planet.” It made sense to me then and continues to make sense to me. Servant leadership is the cornerstone of my existence. We will soon begin a capital campaign that will help us improve our facilities. Our plans are to build a field house with change rooms, wrestling room, and a strength and conditioning room. A big goal during my tenure will be to raise the capital to build a Sports Performance and Research Center that can serve Cobb County residents and beyond, including professional athletes.

LEISURE TIME: I enjoy cooking, entertaining friends at our home, nature, running, reading, writing, “FaceTiming” with my grandchildren, and serving others.

BEST ADVICE: Strive to always be the best version of yourself from a space of gratitude. I carry a gratitude stone in my pocket and every time I see it or touch it, even during difficult times, I’m reminded that we all have so much to be grateful for, and this habit brings me back to center. It will do the same for you. From a space of gratitude everything is better, no matter our difficulties.

1269 Barclay Circle, Marietta, GA 30060 • 770.426.2674 • life.edu